Embrace Your True Self and Stay Hard: A Lesson from David Goggins

Nathan E. Miller
3 min readFeb 21, 2024

David Goggins, a former Navy SEAL and ultramarathon runner, is a living testament to the power of self-belief and perseverance. Goggins shares valuable insights into how he overcame obstacles and achieved success by not caring about what others thought of him. He emphasizes the importance of embracing your true self and using criticism and doubt as fuel for personal growth.

The Weight of Others’ Opinions

Most of us have experienced the paralyzing effect of worrying about what others think. Goggins points out that this fear of judgment can hold us back from reaching our full potential. He encourages us to stop caring about other people’s opinions, and instead focus on discovering our authentic selves.

In Goggins’ words, “I don’t give a mother*#%! You can’t care what anybody thinks about you.” He recalls how he used to be concerned about what people thought of him, but when he stopped caring, he found the freedom to pursue his goals.

Conquering Self-Doubt

Goggins’ journey to becoming a Navy SEAL is a testament to conquering self-doubt. He shares a story of his initial recruitment attempt when he was overweight and lacking the physical fitness required. The recruiter projected his own limitations onto him, telling him he wouldn’t make it, and he took this doubt personally, and as a challenge.

He reflects, “What if I can pull this off? What if I can become someone that no one thinks I can be?” This mindset shift enabled him to become the 36th African American Navy SEAL in 70 years.

Self-Respect and Self-Discipline

Goggins always emphasizes the importance of building self-respect and self-discipline in our lives. He advocates for going the extra mile and challenging yourself, even when it seems impossible. He believes that true self-esteem comes from pushing through your limits.

“Stay hard” isn’t just about physical fitness; it’s about having the mental fortitude to overcome adversity. Goggins reminds us that by taking control of our minds, we can transform our lives.

Dealing with Haters

With success comes criticism, and he always encourages us to use the hate as a source of motivation. He suggests taking negative comments and doubts from others and using them as fuel to drive our own success. Instead of letting them hurt our feelings, we can leverage them to push ourselves further.

Embrace Your True Self

One of Goggins’ core messages is to always be unapologetically yourself, to embrace who you are, and not to conform to the expectations of others. Your surroundings should consist of people who are honest and hold you accountable, not just those who praise you.

He concludes by emphasizing that the most crucial step in life is the next one. We shouldn’t fear making enemies or facing criticism, instead embrace the haters and to use their negativity as motivation.

In closing, David Goggins serves as an inspiring example of how embracing your true self, not caring about others’ opinions, and pushing past your limits can lead to incredible personal growth and success. So, stay hard, face your fears, and pursue your goals with unwavering determination.

One of the “hardest” people on earth, David Goggins has a great story, use this piece as motivation, and go out there and #kill it!

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Nathan E. Miller

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